Our types of Membership include Social and Bowling Members.
Once you submit your membership application as a new bowler, we will pair you up with one of our fully qualified coaches to get you started, show you the ropes and you’ll be playing in no time!
Even if you don’t have your own set of bowls, we will loan you a set to get you going. The only bit of kit you need is flat soled shoes, no tread or heels.
Our types of Membership include:
- Bowling Member (Ordinary) – $160 for a full year, plus affiliation fees for new members
- Bowling Member (Junior) – Enquiries welcome
- Social Member – $5 for 5 years membership. This includes discounted drinks and a free game of Barefoot Bowls when you join.
We have Raffles on Friday Nights and our Members Draw, which includes both Social and Bowling Members. You must be present at the time of the Members’ draw to win the jackpot.